Law of Vibration

The Law Of Vibration

Discover And Understand The Law Of Vibration
It Could Transform Your ENTIRE Life
If You'll "Allow" It To


The Law of Vibration is perceived by many as something that is beyond simple comprehension, and entirely too complicated for the average person to understand.

If you were to read a scientific report or journal containing all the equations and formulas that bring science to the conclusions of their findings, then I'd have to agree and I would be as in the dark as anyone.
The reality is, the Law of Vibration, like anything in creation is actually a very simple concept and due to the many scientific terms and analogies used to describe it by scientists, it's often "perceived" as being complicated by the novice.

The intent of this article is to simplify the explanation of this awesome and creative force that is known as the law of vibration, in an effort to allow even the novice to become "conscious" of, develop an understanding in, and validate for yourself the life changing power that it holds for you.

We will be examining the workings of the law of vibration from two aspects, the scientific and the spiritual, each of which, as more scientific studies are done and our technology increases, appear to be joining together as one understanding.
From a scientific perspective, simply put, everything that exists, both seen and unseen, emits a vibrational resonance.

The various vibrations emitted by any given thing is also referred to as resonance which you can learn more about at The Law of Resonance article.
At the conclusion of this article, it will be up to the individual to choose to accept or deny it's reality. It will then become the choice of the observer to purposely and consciously put this knowledge to use to create a life that defies logical, sensory (or physical) thinking processes or deny the reality of it's presence and continue to unconsciously produce the same results experienced to this point.

Either choice, to believe or not, will not change the fact that the Law of Vibration exists and is always present, and that due to it's unwavering power you are creating the conditions you call your life, whether you ...

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The Law Of Vibration