Friday, November 29, 2013

Are You Stopping Your Success?

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” - Winston Churchill

Many people want success and do many things to get it. Unfortunately, many people sabotage their success because of fear. Fear of success.

The article below talks about this idea.

Michael Wilkovesky

Why Your Foot is on the Brake When Trying to Succeed in Life - by Noah St. John

Let's say you've been working really hard, trying to succeed. Maybe you started a new coaching program, or went to a seminar that really pumped you up, or read a new book that really made sense to you. You began to make positive changes in your life. You followed the instructions. And guess what? IT STARTS TO WORK.

After all your hard work, focus, and money that you spent, you actually start to get what you were going after. You're moving toward the thing you want. You're making progress, making more money. You're becoming more and more successful.

Then what happens? That's when the FEAR sets in!

As crazy as it sounds, you actually start to feel the feeling known as FEAR when you start to get what you've been working so hard for. But...

Why would someone feel FEAR when they start to get what they WANT?

This happened because, unbeknownst to you, your Scales of Success started to tip. Your Subconscious Why-Not-To's of Success - the ones you can't see, because they're hidden, remember? - started silently screaming at you:

"Hey, what do you think you're doing? You can't handle this! You're not going to be able to keep this going! Why don't you just stop now and avoid the embarrassment later?"

So, what do you do? You do what anyone would do in that situation. You do whatever it takes to STOP feeling the fear. That's because FEAR is one of those emotions we humans will do just about anything to avoid. So, rather than examining WHY you might be feeling that feeling, you stop doing what was working. You slam on the brakes. You "sabotage" yourself. Because doing that feels easier than feeling the fear.

And then, you get to beat yourself up - because you can tell yourself you were "right"! "See, I told you: I knew you couldn't handle it. Why even bother?"

Sound familiar? If you are nodding your head right now, this book was written especially for you. But what went unexamined in all this is a simple fact:

A feeling is a RESULT, not a cause.

Feelings don't cause themselves. When you experience a feeling or emotion, there is something going on inside of you that caused that feeling. And what causes the so-called "fear of success" or "foot-on-the-brake syndrome"? Your hidden, Subconscious Why-Not-To's of Success.
Here, then, is the bottom line:

You are NOT holding yourself back from Success because you don't know "how to succeed".
You are holding yourself back from the Success you are perfectly capable of, because you have more Subconscious Why-Not-To's of Success than Conscious Why-To's of Success.

Remember all those "traditional" success programs we're spending billions of dollars on? In traditional success programs, they teach you "how to succeed". And that's a good thing, right? I mean, if you want to do something, it's good to know "how" to do it.

And since we all want to succeed, all we'd need is to be told "how to succeed", then we'll all be successful... right?


Noah St. John, #1 bestselling author of 6 books such as The Secret Code of Success, The Book of Affirmations & Permission to Succeed, CEO & Founder of, in over 3,000 media outlets like CNN, ABC, NBC, & Washington Post.

Since 1997, Noah has taught thousands the simple steps to enjoy more wealth faster, easier and with far less effort. 


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