Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Personal Finances – You Can Improve Them

The only way you will ever permanently take control of your financial life is to dig deep and fix the root problem.” - Suze Orman

At one point in our lives, we usually take a step back and review our personal finances and many times we don't like what we see.

The article below gives 3 tips on way to improve your personal finances.

Take the time to check you financial situation now. Your future will look brighter for it.

Michael Wilkovesky

3 Quick Ways To Improve Your Personal Finances - by Furman Davenport

The path to financial freedom is usually a long and arduous one. That fact derails more people than anything else. We mere mortals are wired for instant gratification and quick fixes. To that end, here are three quick ways that may help you can see some improvement in your personal finances while you are walking the longer path to financial freedom.

Step one is to lower your overall credit card debt. It is hard to do, but can be achieved. Open your wallet or purse right now. Pull out every credit card that you have and put them in a dresser drawer or lock box and leave them there all week. Don't even take them out this weekend. Now, rinse and repeat until you have paid some of that old debt down.

Next, building a savings account does not have to happen a hundred dollars at a time. The day before you get paid, open your wallet or purse and take out all of the ones or fives that you have and deposit them. If nothing else, stop using coins when you make purchases. Put them in a jar and deposit them on a weekly basis.

Number three may require a pencil. Keep track of all of your due dates. It is fairly common for people to make late payments because they forgot a bill was due. That bit of forgetfulness comes with late fees and a lower credit rating.

These are quick ways to improve your financial situation, but they are not easy. There will be excuses in your mind, but you can overcome them all. Do not be your own worst enemy.


Furman Davenport writes for a number of online publications, focusing primarily on personal finance topics. Check out Debt Consolidation Texas to see more of his work on topics such as credit counseling in TX.


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