Saturday, September 14, 2013

Keeping Motivated – 10 Tips

If you're going through hell, keep going.” - Winston Churchill

We all need to keep ourselves motivated, but how?

The article below gives us 10 ways to help us become and to maintain motivation.

To your continued success.

Michael Wilkovesky

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10 Ways To Motivate Yourself - By: Fadzil Dolmani

You are not the only one that feels very down because you feel dissatisfied with your current life. Do not let this feeling bring you down further. You must have some dreams in your life that you want to achieve. Lets look at how you can actually achieve whatever your dreams are by instilling self motivation, which you require most to ensure your journey to success will not end half way. You need to create and develop your own self motivation to bring you the energy and enthusiasm to pursue the dreams of your life.

You need some kind of motivational drive in anything you do. At work, you may need your colleague or boss to motivate you to accomplish your task. At home, you may need your family member to share some motivational thoughts to keep you energetic in your pursuit of your dreams. They can sit with you all day trying to keep you motivated. Again, all these will be meaningless when you yourself fail to acknowledge that you need more lasting drive to really keep your enthusiasm, that is, your self motivation. This is the quality that will separate you from the rest of the people.

Most of you may be thinking that this is going to be a very daunting task as you do not have the slightest idea of how you are going to go about this. You will be surprised as how easy this can really be done. Here are the 10 things that you need to follow:

1. Stop worrying about making mistakes.

Making mistakes is one way we can learn and improve in our life. There is no one that has never made any mistake. The most important thing here is you realize that you have made mistakes and do not repeat the same mistakes again. You will learn the most from your mistakes than any other way.

2. Feel happy about your life.

Happiness generates more positive energy within you. This energy is important to keep you more optimistic and enthusiastic about your life. Happy people are always motivated to accomplish something in their life.

3. Get out of your comfort zone.

You need to learn to get into unfamiliar surroundings to explore better opportunities. Do not just stick around with the same people, same known places, skills or work. Explore new things that will enhance your ability to achieve your goals and keep you stay motivated.

4. Think the unthinkable.

Nothing will stop you from thinking of goals you want to achieve. You have to dream high in order to set high goals. Everything starts with a dream. Do not limit yourself in your goals and dreams.

5. Read and listen to inspirational materials.

You need to allocate your time to acquire knowledge through reading motivational books and listening to inspirational tapes. But, you must also implement what you learn from your reading and listening. New things you learn from these exercises will give you excitement and energy to work harder toward achieving your goals.

6. Resolve problems instead of running away.

Your ride to success destination will not be smooth all the time. You will face difficulties. Do not quit when you experience predicaments in your quest to achieve your dreams. Frustrations and setbacks naturally form as parts of your success venture.

7. Appreciate every moment of your life.

Think of what your life really is as of now. Appreciate every moment you have currently. Thinking about the past or day dreaming about the future will not bring you anywhere. Appreciating your current conditions makes you feel much better and realize the need to move forward to achieve your goals.

8. Finish what you start.

Once you have started something, finish it. Never leave what you do halfway regardless of the end result. This will make you accustomed to finishing any task you initiate, which is important if you really want to achieve your goals in life.

9. Face challenges one at a time.

Challenges are components in your success journey. Take up one challenge at a time. Do not try to accumulate and face them at one go. As the challenges accumulate, you will only feel less motivated to face them and finally unable to complete anything.

10. Care less about what people say.

You may hear a lot of bad things people say about you. Sometimes those bad comments may come from somebody close to you. As long as you fully know what you are doing to achieve your goals, you can let those comments fall into deaf ears. Thinking too much about what people say will only make you weaker and loose focus on your effort.

Of course, this list does not just stop here. To instill and develop your self motivation, there are more ways you can do. But, if you can really comprehend and take the appropriate actions just based on these 10 things, you will definitely see the results.


Fadzil is an entrepreneur, writer, and web content developer. He enjoys helping individuals, who are excited about self improvement and attaining personal success, to learn the simple steps to achieve their goals. To learn more about such system, please go to: . He is also the founder of WisdomGateway which helps internet users to obtain knowledge in the area of Business Matters, Healthy Living, Hobbies & Activities, Internet Marketing, and Real Estate. To visit the site, please go to .


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